We turned in the RV (whew!) and packed ourselves into a minivan. Time to tackle LA. Eating a late lunch on Santa Monica Pier. Dining on some Bubba Gump shrimp. Stupid is as stupid does.
This is an automatic Update from the RV stop No sign of life stop It is believed that the parents abandoned their young and ran wildly into the deserts of Palm Springs stop RV on autopilot returning to base stop last voice recordings indicated heated exchanges among all occupants stop
The signs around here say they are, but I'm a skeptic. Either way, the constant 115 degree hot spring water seems to be a big hit with the RV ladies this afternoon. Not to fear: Aaron is swimming like a mad man in the bigger pool behind the camera.
Quiet in the desert but not our RV, of course. Hello from Anza- Borrego Desert. Amazing terrain surrounding us. So many hikes, so little time. That's Aaron practicing to be a cactus.
...still remembering the Reason for the Season on this Christmas Eve. Through the power of Google Maps, we found First United Methodist in San Diego. Our church home for tonight, but don't worry, Rogers CUMC -- we'll be back.
Making our way south to San Diego, but a stop in Carlsbad first. Aaron is ALL about Legoland. He just told me he wants to live here the rest of his life.
End of Day 1 in the RV. Can't believe I drove this 31 foot beast for 90 miles on the freeways of LA. Traffic is nuts. Calm beach and amazing sunset were a nice change.
Try getting a family of 6 through TSA security. That's no small feat. Made it to Denver now with the snow-capped Rockies in the distance. Our flight to LAX has been delayed a couple of hours. But all is well-- Logan is hanging in there.
Well, Logan was up until 4:15 this morning throwing up. She was number 2 to succumb to the stomach virus. We leave for Tulsa at 9:30 and expect to arrive in LA at 4:30 pacific. I'd say we are off to a FABULOUS start!
This is the trip in a nutshell -- basically a loop through southern California. The itinerary will be one night on the beach south of L.A., three nights in San Diego, one night in the Anza-Borrego desert, and one night in Palm Springs. Read all about it at Tracks & Trails.
Welcome to Survivor Anderson. We hope to make this our new travel blog -- not just for our upcoming trip over Christmas, but for many of our future travel adventures yet to come. But for now, stay tuned for updates as the Anderson family travels to southern California over Christmas break 2009.